Savoy Verre Our Products Worktop Dktn Banner


Dekton, the versatile surface

Dekton is an ultra-compact porcelain surface manufactured in a carbon-neutral way, combining aesthetic appeal with advanced technology. Inspired by natural stone, it is also highly resistant.

Available in a range of colors and formats, Dekton redefines architecture and design, creating spaces that combine beauty and functionality.
Ideal for kitchen worktops and other applications, Dekton resists stains, scratches and heat.

Thanks to a unique manufacturing process, this surface is flawless and has zero porosity, guaranteeing true durability.

Savoy Verre Our Products Worktop Dktn Introduction

Dekton worktops embody innovation

Dekton is a symbol of innovation in the field of architectural surfaces, thanks to its cutting-edge technologies. With a thickness that can be as thin as required, it offers a wide range of design options, making it easy to transport and install. This optimized format allows greater maneuverability, while reducing costs and improving project quality.

Dekton’s finish is another major advantage. It provides a brilliant shine without the use of enamels or other added products, guaranteeing a surface that is both aesthetically pleasing and durable.

In addition to its ease of integration in a variety of environments, Dekton is also a safe solution. The advanced technologies employed in its design enable it to meet the most stringent resistance standards, from its ability to withstand harsh climatic conditions to its protection against fire hazards.

In short, Dekton reinvents surfaces by combining lightness, safety, aesthetics and ease of installation, while meeting the most demanding technical requirements.

Numerous design options

Dekton is distinguished by its many design options, offering great flexibility to adapt to a variety of architectural projects. Thanks to its various sizes, from small formats to large slabs, it can be used to create continuous spaces with a minimum of visible joints. This feature is ideal for large surfaces, guaranteeing a homogeneous, elegant aesthetic.

The variety of colors, thicknesses and textures available is also a major Dekton strength. Each collection offers a wide range of finishes, from high-gloss to matt or velvety, allowing designers to play with contrasts and visual effects.

This opens the door to unique aesthetic compositions, while adapting harmoniously to different styles and environments. Customization completes Dekton’s offering, with options for adjusting shades and creating complex cuts. This flexibility makes it possible to create truly unique spaces.

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The advantages of a Dekton worktop

Exceptional resistance to scratches, knocks and abrasions
Dekton’s surface is extremely resistant to scratches caused by kitchen utensils and everyday knocks. Its high hardness, comparable to that of quartz, guarantees durability even in the most demanding environments, such as worktops.

Waterproof and stain-resistant
Thanks to its non-porous surface, Dekton does not allow water or liquids to penetrate, preventing stains from adhering. This makes it easy to clean and ideal for areas where hygiene is paramount, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Resistance to heat, fire and thermal variations
Dekton easily withstands high temperatures, whether under the direct effect of heat or fire, without deformation or damage. Its low coefficient of thermal expansion also makes it ideal for installations subject to extreme temperature variations.

Durability in the face of UV rays and wear
Unaffected by sunlight, Dekton retains its original color and appearance, even after prolonged exposure to UV rays. Whether indoors or out, its resistance to ultraviolet rays, wear and abrasion makes it ideal for long-lasting architectural projects.

Dekton, a sustainable solution

Dekton’s sustainability is based on a strong commitment to the environment, guaranteeing carbon neutrality throughout its life cycle. This means that all CO2 emissions generated, from production to distribution, are fully offset. Every stage, from the extraction of raw materials to final installation, is optimized to minimize the carbon footprint.

The use of renewable energies in the manufacturing process reinforces Dekton’s contribution to cleaner production. In addition, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are offset through investment in environmental projects, guaranteeing a truly carbon-neutral surface.

Thanks to this sustainable approach, Dekton combines performance, design and respect for the environment, offering a solution that meets the ecological requirements of modern architectural projects.

A reliable, recognized partner

These elements are manufactured by Cosentino, a Spanish family business founded in 1940. Cosentino is a world leader in innovative surfaces. The creator of the revolutionary Silestone and Dekton materials, Cosentino combines design, durability and performance. Dekton, launched in 2013, offers exceptional resistance to scratches, UV and thermal shock, while reproducing the natural aesthetics of stone, wood and concrete. Committed to sustainability, Cosentino meets the needs of architects and designers with elegant, functional solutions for kitchens, facades, floors and more.

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our customers’ opinions

Savoy Verre Sàrl
Based on 26 reviews
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martine sassevillemartine sasseville
09:00 13 Sep 24
Excellent team, très professionnel et à l’écoute de nos besoins. Malgré quelques difficultés en rapport avec mon projet dans une pièce très petite, le rendu final de ma porte de douche vitrée est juste magnifique. Je suis ravie et je vous les recommande les yeux fermés. Merci à vous tous !!
Gilles GolayGilles Golay
07:29 07 Sep 24
Super travail, du personnel très compétent et sympathique.
Florian KehlstadtFlorian Kehlstadt
21:30 10 Jul 24
Devis précis par retour d’email, y compris plan coté des pièces.Prix compétitif, exécution rapide et impeccable, contact très agréable à toutes les étapes, bref, un service qui vaut largement le déplacement depuis La Côte…Je recommande chaudement!
Jean-Marie EstoppeyJean-Marie Estoppey
10:53 05 Mar 24
Super rapide et excellent travail !
Come On FitnessCome On Fitness
10:34 10 Oct 23
Juliette FrizotJuliette Frizot
09:44 31 May 23
Super expérience pour la pose d’une nouvelle douche d’angle, merci beaucoup à Sandra pour ses précieux conseils d’agencement (au-delà de mes attentes) ainsi qu’aux poseurs, hyper pro. Finitions impeccables.Il est rare de trouver une femme en interface sur ce type de projet >> c’est super apprécié en tant que clientE.Je recommande les yeux fermés cette entreprise.
Juergen MuellerJuergen Mueller
10:16 09 May 23
Excellent conseil et service d’installation!
Marie-laure FavreMarie-laure Favre
12:58 08 Mar 23
Je vous conseil fortement cette entreprise, très professionnelle, contact très très agréable, matériaux de très très bonne qualité et les poseurs font de l’excellent travail très minutieux. Vous pouvez y aller les yeux fermés.
Meinrad FavreMeinrad Favre
10:51 08 Mar 23
Excellente entreprise, sont très à l’écoute des demandes des clients, le devis est très clair et très détaillés les entretiens téléphonique sont chaleureux agréables et très professionnelle. Les matériaux sont de très très bonne qualité. Quand aux poseurs BRAVO BRAVO la pose à été effectué avec beaucoup de soins et de minutie, ils sont très gentils et très agréables encore merci pour leurs travail.Je recommande à 200% cette entreprise.
Nicolas ZanelloNicolas Zanello
17:34 01 Nov 21
Conseils professionnels avant-vente pour assurer la réalisation ET le look, coordination du chantier (une particularité que j’ai demandée et qui a été gérée à ma satisfaction !), matériaux ET travaux de qualité, respect du devis : merci beaucoup, vous pouvez compter sur mes recommandations auprès de mes voisins (ça a déjà commencé 😉 ) !Update 01.11.21 : 2 nouveaux projets plus petits réalisés (un garde-corps intérieur en verre et une fenêtre de porte d’entrée), à nouveau à ma grande satisfaction, dans les délais discutés et avec qualité : merci encore 🙂 !